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Local Government Administration Association of Alberta

Strength Through Networking

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ELEction of THE Board of directors

Help shape the future direction of LGAA

The following Board Director positions will be up for election at the 2025 annual general meeting June 18, 2025. 

  • 1st Vice President 
  •  Zone 1 Director
  •  Zone 3 Director
  •  Zone 5 Director 

Time Commitment

The Board generally meets four times per year with one meeting held in-person and all other meetings conducted online. Online meetings are typically two hours in length and the in-person meeting involves a day and half commitment. Board directors may also volunteer to serve on provincial and stakeholder committees or attend consultations by the Government of Alberta. Other time commitments vary by position including:

  • The 2nd Vice President serves on the Executive Committee, which meets four times per year (approximately 1.5 hours per meeting).
  • The Zone Director shall provide input into the agenda and attend one zone meeting each fall.


This is a volunteer role with no remuneration. Any travel and eligible costs incurred for LGAA business will be reimbursed by LGAA.

Eligibility for Election

To be eligible to stand for election, candidates must be a Regular Member or Life Member in good standing as defined by sections 1.2 and 1.4 of LGAA’s Membership Policy. If you are not sure of your membership class, please contact us.

Individuals seeking office for a Zone Director position must be employed with a municipality in that zone. See the zone listing to clarify your zone. 


We will announce the nomination process in spring 2025. In the meantime, questions may be directed to Past President Mike Derricott, Chair of the Nomination Committee.  

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